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How to Care for Your Cat’s Teeth
How to Care for Your Cat’s Teeth

How to Care for Your Cat’s Teeth

It’s not as impossible as it sounds, and with patience, your cat may even come to appreciate this bonding time with you. 

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How to Care for Your Dog’s Teeth
How to Care for Your Dog’s Teeth

How to Care for Your Dog’s Teeth

It’s a great idea to have your dog’s teeth examined regularly by your vet, but regular home care can help avoid problems to start with.

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Kitten Nutrition and Diet
Kitten Nutrition and Diet

Kitten Nutrition and Diet

For the first year or so of their life, you should feed your new kitten with specially formulated kitten food, preferably the same food they have always been used to.

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Tips for Training Dogs
Tips for Training Dogs

Tips for Training Dogs

Start training your puppy as soon as you bring him home. Impressions your puppy forms in the first 16 weeks set them up for life.

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