Spaying and Neutering

A beneficial surgery that can lower your pet's chance of developing certain medical conditions.

Spay and neutering is a helpful procedure to stop your pet’s ability to reproduce and reduce their risk of developing reproductive diseases. We ensure your pet’s safety with round-the-clock monitoring during the procedure and detailed post-operative instructions for a successful recovery.

What happens during the procedure?

Before your pet is spayed or neutered, we do pre-surgery bloodwork to ensure there won’t be any unforeseen complications during the surgery. For example, we do pre-anesthesia testing to ensure your pet’s liver is in healthy working condition and will respond well to the medication. On the day of the procedure, your pet is brought into our surgery operating room. Our suite includes advanced technology like heated surgery tables for your pet’s comfort. Once they are connected to the necessary devices, anesthesia is administered, and registered veterinary technicians monitor them throughout. For male pets, an incision is made near the scrotum to remove their testicles. For female pets, an incision is made near the stomach to remove the ovaries and uterus.

How can I ensure my pet recovers well?

After the procedure, it’s important to follow our post-operative instructions closely so your pet’s wounds heal properly. Your pet should take it easy for the week after the surgery, doing no physical activity. Most of all, you should closely monitor your pet to ensure they’re not licking their wounds. If you notice any signs of infection, especially if they last for more than 24 hours, please contact us at
416-775-0101. Some signs of infection, particularly at the incision site, include:

  • Bleeding
  • Pus
  • Bad smell
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
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