Dental Care

specialized attention to the oral health and wellbeing of your pet.

Dental problems are one of the most common issues pets have. Regular cleanings help protect your pet against preventable dental disease, which can create long-lasting damage to their teeth and gums. With the help of our ultrasound machine, we perform preventive descaling to remove any buildup on the surface of your pet’s teeth and below the gumline.

How common are dental issues in pets?

About 80% of dogs and 70% of cats without a good dental care program will suffer from some form of dental disease by the time they are 2-years old. Many breeds (Pugs, Poodles, Miniature Schnauzer, Boston Terriers, Jack Russell Terrier, Cocker Spaniel) are predisposed to dental tartar early in life, even if they are on dental prescription food or are taking dental treats. With regular dental checkups, we can help your pet maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Do I need to brush my pet’s teeth?

Regular teeth brushing is one of the most effective ways to prevent dental disease. Without regular brushing, your pet is most likely to develop bad breath, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. This is caused by plaque and bacteria buildup on their teeth and gums. If left untreated, more serious infections can develop throughout your pet’s body, including damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, and other organs. When brushing their teeth, avoid using human toothpaste and purchase toothpaste designed for pets. We can also recommend a special diet, treats, or toys to integrate into their daily routine. To book an appointment, please contact us at 416-775-0101.

How do you take care of my pet’s dental concerns?

We use special equipment to examine and clean your pet’s teeth with as little pain and discomfort as possible. A complete dental examination typically includes charting all your pet’s present teeth and evaluating their condition, including the degree of tartar, gingivitis (gum inflammation), and any pockets in the gums around the teeth. We remove any tartar above your pet’s gumline using a special ultrasonic scaler, just like a dentist uses for your teeth. After, we polish their teeth using a dental polisher and specialized fine-grade paste. Extractions are necessary if certain teeth are severely affected and cannot be saved. In some cases, gum surgery is required to close the holes left behind when a tooth is extracted, and dissolvable stitches are used for this procedure. Once all dental work is completed, we turn off the anesthetic gas and your pet is allowed to wake up. Depending on the procedure, we could give them antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory injection to support healing. Pets are generally able to go home on the same day as their dental appointment.

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