
Bloodwork is essential for identifying and treating possible health problems before they worsen.

Our veterinarians regularly recommend pets do bloodwork to assess their overall health, determine early signs of health issues and diagnose any new conditions. Our hospital has an in-house laboratory that allows us to process your pet’s results quickly and efficiently. If you have questions about our bloodwork process, please contact us at 416-775-0101.

What is bloodwork?

We typically recommend bloodwork during your pet’s wellness exam, which happens once or twice a year, depending on your pet’s age and overall health. Bloodwork helps confirm parasite infections, like heartworm disease. Some of the most common tests we run include a complete blood count (CBC) and chemical analysis, which provide us with vital information about specific organs and systems in your pet’s body, including:

  • Digestive enzymes (digestive system)
  • White blood cell count (immune system)
  • Red blood cell count (heart health)
  • Kidney enzymes (kidney disease)
  • Liver disease (liver disease)

How do you take my pet’s blood sample?

Needles can be a source of anxiety for both pet parents and their pets. Our veterinary team does their best to make your pet as comfortable as possible before we take a blood sample. We want to make the process seamless, typically taking blood from their neck, leg, or paw.

When will I get my pet’s bloodwork results?

We are equipped with the most modern in-house testing facilities that enable us to obtain accurate blood results in less than an hour. This gives us results straight away for sick pets, allowing us to care for them more promptly and effectively. We also use an external laboratory for less common blood and body tissue analyses which are collected daily by courier ensuring rapid reporting of results.

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